
Skype app for iPhone getting a huge redesign, upto 5 times faster

Skype has been giving all its attention to Android and Windows Phone, while the iPhone app has been lagging far behind. But no more, Skype is "remastering" the iPhone app to come at-par with its Android and Windows Phone counterparts in terms of interface and usability. Skype 5.0 will have an almost entirely new interface with focus on thumbnails of your contacts and larger buttons for easy interaction.

One of the most important features being added is the ability to start a Group chat right from the main hub and you won't need to wait for someone to come online before sending a message. The user experience has been improved upon as well and the app is 5 times faster than its predecessor. The new app is still being finalized and will be released in a week's time. You can watch the video below for a teaser of what's to come with Skype 5.0 for the iPhone.

Source: Skype

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