
LeEco Le 2 suffering from Display creaking - Build Issues?

It seems that the display creaking on the LeEco Le 2 is more widespread than previously thought. We have now heard from more than 5 reviewers that the display on the Le 2 creaks when pressed hard. It doesn't happen with normal usage or with light touches though.

We have asked LeEco for a clarification on what seems to be a quality control issue, but have yet to get an answer.

Now, this creaking may stem from two reasons. Either, the front-panel is not glued properly to the display or there maybe some hollow space under the display. This issue came to focus when Ash from C4ETech posted about it on this social media channels, since then we have received several queries from our readers and viewers.

I can't really comment on what the long term impact of this issue would be, but we will report back if we hear something from the company.

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