Twitter may soon be getting a 280 character limit, no edit option for tweets in sight

    twitter 240characters limit

    Twitter makes it extremely difficult to get your voice across with its 140 character limit. It does require a bit of imagination and creativity to fit everything you want to say within that confined limit. However, the company is now looking to double the character limit to 280 so that you have more to express yourself.

    In an official blog post, Twitter confirmed that they are experimenting with the 280 character limit with a number of users. The blog post reads:

    Our research shows us that the character limit is a major cause of frustration for people Tweeting in English, but it is not for those Tweeting in Japanese.

    Earlier this month we had also heard of Tweetstorm, a feature which would allow you to post a series of tweets in one go. In March this year, Twitter had stopped counting @reply in the tweet character limit and last year photos, videos, polls were also removed from the restriction. Moreover, the 140-character limit has already been dropped for direct messages.

    This makes it a fundamental change for the social network, which has till now lived on its unique take on bite-sized information. However, with dwindling revenues and a stagnant user base, it was possibly time for the company to re-think its strategy. Still, one of the most asked features - the ability to edit tweets - is still nowhere to be found.


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