Prisma arrives on Android to have a slow-slow death

    Prisma Android Beta Apk Download

    If you weren't already sick of all the Prisma-fied images on your social network feeds, brace yourself, Prisma is coming to Android. You can now find the Android beta app floating around the interwebs, there's a download link at the end of the article as well.

    If you have been living under a rock, Prisma became a phenomenon overnight on iOS where the app has been downloaded some 7.5 million times with over 1.5 million active users. Its currently the number one app in more than 40 countries.

    Now, as to what it does. Essentially it creates artistic portraits from your images with several filters baked in. These filters mimic the artworks of greats like Picasso, Van Gogh, Levitan to transform your photos into art. However, not all images look equal so stop embarrassing yourself on Facebook.

    Prisma Android App Screenshots

    Even though Prisma was supposed to be in a private beta, the app is now available for everyone to sideload that's where Android's ubiquity comes in and may indeed be the end of the app. Although a novel idea, eventually people will get bored seeing similar images on their walls and feeds. But the company is working on several new features like Prisma Video, 360-degree Prisma images and more styles to choose from.

    Coming back to the Prisma Android App, it is a bit buggy we have seen a couple of crashes while processing larger images. But overall the interface is similar and for a beta app it works quite well. You can download Prisma for Android from the link below or can sign-up at prisma-ai to become a beta tester.

    Download: Prisma Beta (Android)

    Via: TheNextWeb

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