Alleged images and video of budget iPhone leak

    Budget IPhone Leak

    Take this with a pinch of salt, but here are the first images of the budget iPhone we have been hearing for some time. The device has a shape similar to previous gen iPods. The display is pegged at 4-inches with a resolution of 1136x640,  and the budget iPhone shown above has a plastic or polycarbonate casing. Although, what adds a bit of interest in this leak is a previous image showed a similar built of internal components with metal lining. 

    The budget iPhone is rumored to be available in yellow, green, pink and white colors. As you can see in the video above there are holes where the volume rocker and charger port should be so this can be a very early prototype or an elaborate hoax. But even if this is a false leak, if Apple does go with a plastic shell, it would probably look like this.

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