Mozilla Firefox OS is dead, officially

    Firefox Os Dead

    Mozilla had been toying with the idea of making a viable HTML 5 based OS for smartphones, and launched Firefox OS to give users an alternative to Android and iOS. Sadly, even on capable hardware Firefox OS was laggy and with no developer support, it reached its final demise.

    Mozilla finally acknowledged that they were not able to provide a better or even comparable experience on smartphones and is now going to stop offering Firefox OS smartphones through carrier channels.

    The smartphone OS wars are probably over, both Android and iOS won. Windows Phone, SailFish OS, Tizen OS all are in the same boat and sooner or later will reach the same end as Firefox OS. The only difference between all of these is how much money their parent company has to keep these alive.

    Coming back to Firefox OS, it still may live to power connected devices and for IOT stuff but will not power any smartphone in future.

    Source: TechCrunch

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