Facebook opens Internet.org for all developers, amid concerns over net neutrality

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    Facebook is making internet.org into a platform which gives all developers access without restricting them to specific services or operators. Net-neutrality has been voiced strongly in India after Airtel (telecom operator) wanted to start a zero rating program.

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    Due to the debate on Net-neutrality in India, Facebook's internet.org lost quite a number of big players including those from the media citing concerns. Mark Zuckerberg too chimed in earlier regarding concerns over exclusivity of internet.org to certain carriers and websites. Keeping cynicism aside, with this new approach, internet.org may just become more open to everyone.

    Our goal with Internet.org is to work with as many developers and entrepreneurs as possible to extend the benefits of connectivity to diverse, local communities. To do this, we’re going to offer services through Internet.org in a way that’s more transparent and inclusive.

    There are a few considerations developers have to make before enrolling:

    • Services should encourage the exploration of the broader internet wherever possible - meaning you shouldn't create an all contained app locking users to it.
    • Websites that require high-bandwidth will not be included. Services should not use VoIP, video, file transfer, high resolution photos, or high volume of photos - this is really obvious, operators are not going to give free data for your voice calls, chats, or social media exchange.
    • Websites must be built to be optimized for browsing on both feature and smartphones and in limited bandwidth scenarios, and be free from JavaScript or SSL/TLS/HTTPS elements - which too is quite understandable

    Overall, there seems to be no unreasonable request on Facebook's behalf from prospective developers. Facebook's new "open" approach may quell the current storm in favor of net-neutrality but it remains to be seen whether start-ups actually want to leverage another platform.

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